

This is a slight deviation from what I normally do because it was shot in monochrome, but the lights and shadows excite me. The model was a...

This is a slight deviation from what I normally do because it was shot in monochrome, but the lights and shadows excite me. The model was also a joy to work with, plus the looks we got that day were totally worth it!!

The title "Dumah", I got from the Bible and it is an Aramaic word meaning silence. Other contemporary sources (Google. Ha!) describe it as a general term for the angel of silence.
For my use however, I go with the Aramaic meaning. This means that the concept defines the struggles of keeping silent in a world full of adversity and uncertainty. My view is that whatever goes on in our surroundings, we should not bottle-neck ourselves; but rather be free and express yourself.
Expression is the ultimate end.

Shot with Penny Agure.

Photo prints and mounts now available.

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