In Motion
11:06Well, here it comes... Another raw concept that I attempted to express as a coherent photo series, and also put it in writing in a way that ...
Well, here it comes...
Another raw concept that I attempted to express as a coherent photo series, and also put it in writing in a way that someone that's not me can understand.
As a creative, I constantly find myself asking, "Why am I in such a hurry?"
The way life these days is set up, we are always on the move; always in motion. We are always hurrying to complete the next project, hurrying to setup life the way we see it in our heads, always hurrying to get to the next stage of living. Do we really know the importance of slowing down?
This photo series is based on both my technical and creative interpretation of the concept, "In Motion".
Focusing on the technical aspect first, I decided to shoot most of this project using very slow shutter speeds to help create the illusion of movement by introducing motion blur in the images. The images in this set are a mixture of images shot using slow shutter speeds, and those shot at faster shutter speeds then composited in post-production. Can you tell which is which?
As a concept, "In Motion" looks to creatively address the idea of finding a balance between constantly chasing life and slowing down to look inward. Being able to work with Gloria Ndanu, a yoga instructor and dancer, really gave the project a much-needed boost. This is because by studying her and other people in her space, I have come to appreciate how important it is to find this balance, as it relates to our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
Understanding the balance between chasing life and slowing down has helped me feel much more comfortable as a creative and as a person, as well as giving me the strength and drive to move closer to my dreams in a more controlled manner.
As a photographer with a creative business, I know the value of slowing down and giving yourself a break; but there are times I feel so frustrated with myself and with how things are going. I now understand that no matter how fast you move, if you are always striving towards your dreams, you get a sense of fulfillment that not many will achieve.
I have become more grounded in myself, as I flow and move along with the energy that emanates from living in the moment. I might not get where I want to go as quickly as I would like, but what better way to move than by slowing down and looking inward?
Shot with Gloria Ndanu, at the Jamie Ndege Studios.
Here are my best images from this set, for your own interpretation: