black male model
creative portrait photographer
kenyan photographer
portrait photographer
self portraits
The Monologues
What better way to get back here than with a self-portrait series?
After shooting my last personal project in October 2018, I felt as if creating something else that would tell a story and make an impact in a similar manner would be close to impossible. Therefore, I have been trying to shoot anything and everything that could help me settle back into what I love and enjoy; creative portraiture.
Creatively, I was stuck. Over the years, I have discovered that I can overcome a creative rut by shooting some self-portraits. This forms the basis for the photo series entitled “The Monologues”, and will be the first time one of my self-portrait series will take on a more meaningful angle. I will use it to focus on the conversations people have with themselves, in an effort to understand their inner beings and external situation.
My conceptualization of “The Monologues” is based on some of my lowest moments when I choose to get lost in my head as I get consumed by my thoughts and problems. This happens so naturally and fluidly that I do not notice the effect it has on the people around me. Although I may want to act as if everything is okay, I can feel my mood and emotions shift. I can also feel the people around me notice the shift. It may be difficult to understand, but sometimes the act of wallowing in my own thoughts of self-pity, self-doubt, and unconsciously (consciously) shutting out what is happening around me is quite comforting.
Because I do not want to share this with anyone, this is where “The Monologues” come into play. I use it as a means to talk to myself during these low moments, with conversations taking on broad topics from a personal perspective touching on spirituality, my growth as a photographer, building my clothing brand, and life in general, as well as emotional, mental, and physical wellness. Other times, it is just me talking down to myself trying to figure out what is dragging me down, and what I can do to keep my head above all the noise.
Even though “The Monologues” come in both positive and negative waves, my ultimate goal is to improve myself in all aspects, by achieving self-realization through constant self-reflection. From the beginning of February 2019, I decided it would be best to write down these conversations I have with myself as a means of tracking my progress and holding myself accountable. This will give me an insight into what is going on in my:
- Head (mental and emotional state)
- Heart (relationship with God, myself, and others)
- Hands (physical state and financial well-being)
This shoot will focus on showing how easy and difficult it can be when you attempt to speak to yourself, in an effort to become a better person.
Featuring myself, for your interpretation.
Special thanks to my church, ACK St. Philips Church, Jericho, for the wonderful shooting space.

If you made it this far, then you get to see how I summed it up...

If you need any more information on this project, feel free to get in touch with me.
Happy viewing! 😊😊
Happy viewing! 😊😊